Friday, November 12, 2010

The 5 and Dime - Only Ourselves to Blame

Just over a week ago, Harrisonburg citizens relinquished one of our most valuable players in helping the city to accomplish the optimum goals for the majority of the people. On November 2nd approximately 15,000 voters had the opportunity to support Carolyn Frank by continuing her position on City Council for another term, but we chose not to do so. Some citizens abstained from voting and, perhaps equally disheartening, some voted strictly party lines.

I can not profess to understand the reasoning, or perhaps lack thereof, but I can categorically state that we have greatly hindered our chances of success by losing a common sense, not for sale, tireless, warrior of a woman on Council. Carolyn never concerned herself with big money or a title. If the plan did not enhance the quality of life for the majority of the people, she did not support it. She continually fought to be a good steward of taxpayers' money and she stood up for what was right even in the face of having to stand isolated from all.

I could go on and on about the myriad activities and number of incredible improvements Carolyn has brought to our wonderful city but I won't. Leave it to say, the only judicious, well-grounded advocate who fought for our voices to be heard is now extinct from council and I am immensely grieved. I loath being called a naysayer but I imagine in the years to come many more of us will also be grieving and we will only have ourselves to blame.

1 comment:

  1. Although this is very disappointing for Ms. Frank and her supporters (I am no longer allowed to vote in local elections but supported her in spirit), the city's loss is probably her gain. Politics is ugly and now she is freed from it.
