Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds - ohhh how exciting!
Rob and Carolyn Frank tilling the garden.
Rob and Carolyn Frank have turned to more of an organic way of eating not unlike many folks these days. Carolyn shops the farmers' markets heavily in search of local, healthier foods to prepare for her family.
The two of them also help in planting and harvesting a rather large garden in Harrisonburg. The majority of seeds are heirloom seeds. One variety of carrot known as the Tonda Di Parigi is a 19th century Parisian heirloom. Have you heard of the "Greasy Grits" bean that was a popular old Appalachian and Mountain folk heirloom that is now very rare? Then there is also the Crapaudine Beet that is said to be of the oldest varieties. Some experts feel this beet may be one of the oldest varities in existence dating back 1,000 years.
You are welcome to stop by and chat with us some beautiful evening. If you see our heads bobbing up and down and can hear our laughter being carried in the summer breeze from the hilltop of Franklin and Monticello Ave. you will know we are at home. So come on up and sit a spell.
I've got my gloves and trowel and am ready to do more than just keep watch for human and non-human poachers!!!
ReplyDeletePerhaps the word "marauders" would be better. he,he,he
ReplyDeleteYou are such a smart-aleck!!
ReplyDeletecant wait to come see it in person in 10 days!! guess u wont have ne yummy produce by then, but will still be fun. hope i dont bring cold hamburg wetter with me though
I'm hoping that since I'm related to some of the gardeners, I might be able to snag a homegrown cuke or tomato (or two) sometime this summer. :)
ReplyDeleteI have taken drastic action to protect the garden from...THE RABBITS!!!
ReplyDeleteWell, I would say it's too little too late. Our poor broccoli. Of course it was your head they ate!! If it had been Sarah's head you might be in serious trouble. We were quite devastated, to say the least, to see our hard work ravaged that way, especially, when we were sure we had the best rabbit control person on the block guarding the garden! Glad to see you have taken this so seriously. It is about time for some drastic action.
ReplyDeleteWell, there are some crafty rabbits out there. But I think I have out-smarted them. I do, of course, have other tricks up my sleeve. I am, however, devastated to know it was my head of broccoli!!