Yesterday Kenny and I went to the store to purchase a birthday gift for her 2 year old great granddaughter, Charis Gilbert. We are heading to Harrisonburg this morning not only to celebrate this special birthday but also to meet another great grandchild of Kenny's. Her name is Hannah Gilbert, the newest addition to the Gilbert family.
Gift shopping is such fun and we were ready for the opportunity to get off the farm. A colorful, whimsical outfit seemed appropriate for the newborn but the 2 year old gift created a tougher search. After considerable deliberation we chose a "Funlight". This is a plastic puppy and by squeezing his tail, his mouth opens and the flashlight comes on. Am I making myself clear???
Once we returned home and began wrapping the gifts Kenny was enthralled with the puppy yet again. It suddenly became evident that the both of them were buddies. Well we did finally finish the task at hand and then placed our packages into the car for the trip.
At bedtime last night as I was heading upstairs Kenny was sitting on the top step with a sparkle in her eye and a smile on her face as big as Texas. She was holding her puppy that was placed under her pillow to be discovered at bedtime. She regaled me about the sweetness of this lil fella before we could head to bed and tears came to my eyes as I listened and looked at that lil girl so thrilled with this plastic puppy. So today Kenny wants to take her pup to the birthday party to meet Charis's birthday puppy.
Life is full of changes; some good, some bad but ultimately they are only what we chose to make of them. Today will be a terrific day when the poochies become great friends and then realize they are related. Child, adult, mother, grandmother, great grandmother, child.
What a great story, Syd... thank you for sharing.